Famous Morning Quotes:
I think about baseball when I woke up in the morning. I think about it all day, and I dream about it at night. The only case where you do not think about it when I played it.
Author: Ab Rehman Sd
I always fear of failing. I have to silence that fear when I go to get up in the morning.
Author: Ch Tayyab
The bed is a bundle of paradoxes: we go into this with reluctance, but we have to stop feeling sorry for doing our minds every night to leave him sooner, but we do our bodies every morning to it late.
Author: Ab Rehman Sd
Christmas morning, I'm going to open presents with my kids. I'll take pictures of them opening presents. Then I'll come to Staples Center and get ready for work.
Author: Ch Tayyab
I pray every night before I go to bed and every morning when I wake up.
Author: Ab Rehman Sd
Cinema in India is like brushing your teeth in the morning. You can not escape.
Author: Ch Tayyab
The first thing I think about when I wake up most mornings, is that I'm tired. I'm tired of decades. I'm tired in the morning and I'm tired, while in Slough windless afternoon, and I'm tired tonight, with the exception of the truth, when I try to go to sleep.
Author: Ab Rehman Sd
And I know that it happens, because I took economics, and I would explain to ya, but I got hooked on that course. It's not my fault. They taught him at 8 o'clock in the morning. And there is absolutely nothing you can learn from one bloodshot eye.
Author: Ch Tayyab
The big secret doctors, known only to their wives, but still hidden from the public, is that most things better for yourself most things, in fact, are better in the morning.
Author: Ab Rehman Sd
Less I behave like Whistler's mother the evening before, the more I look like her morning po.
Author: Bell Amor
I love to be. There is so much wisdom in it. You wake up in the morning and you think, 'Hey, it's great just to be?
Author: Chirst.T
Swallow a toad in the morning, and encounter nothing more disgusting rest of the day.
Author: Bell Amor
Even so, in hotel rooms, I do this kind of stuff notsocool: constantly poking my room service tray in front of someone else's door. Because I do not want leftovers. I do not want to be caught, just like that, like a pig that I was two in the morning.
Author: Chirst.T
Every morning I get out of bed. I sit there and think, "Do I really need this?" And I'm dragged to the gym in my garage. It's not fun. I hate it. I work alone. Weights.
Author: Bell Amor
I am so blessed. I am the way overblessed. At 64 years old, I look forward to go to bed every night, so I can wake up in the morning and see what blessings come my way that day. Because never, never know what God has in store for you.
Author: Chirst.T
Maybe it's the perception of me as a grumpy old bugger who suffer from depression. It is a total misconception. I do not think of myself as any Grumpier than anyone else. I'm not grumpy first thing in the morning.
Author: Lizza rX
Republicans are relentless and they are smart, they also are not all stupid, and on election day, will be up at five in the morning.
Author: Jhon Richerd
I'd hate to be a teetotaler. Imagine how in the morning and knowing that it's as good as you feel all day.
Author: Lizza rX
On this Sunday morning, the first thing that impressed the people who approached the grave was unusual position of one and a half to two tons stone, which was passed in front of the door.
Author: Scot jay
We did it in the most exceptional circumstances, but the first of the tent in the morning will be David Lean. He said that my first day of shooting, Pete, this is the beginning of a great adventure.
Author: Jhon Richerd
Because I travel so much, it's always good to be home. There's nothing like getting to raid your own fridge two in the morning.
Author: Scot jay
Never face the fact that if you do, you'll never get up in the morning.
Author: Oleg J. W
Way back when I was younger confectioner, I bake a lot of muffins every morning, as many as 120 or so, when running on autopilot.
Author: Albert Schweitzer
I wish I had thrown away the bathroom scale at age 16 weighing every morning is like waking up and asking Dick Cheney verify your sense of intrinsic value.
Author: Oleg J. W
I show in my writing room for about 10 hours every morning without fail. Sometimes my muse deems appropriate, to join me there and sometimes not, but always knows where I'll be. It does not need to hunt in pubs or on the beach, or drag boulevard looking for me.
Author: Oliver
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